How do I love my wife?
Loving a woman is a very special challenge! How do we know this, because God addresses it right in scripture! Husbands love your wives! God knew that he created a creature that required special instructions to “love”. Now, how do you do that husbands? Loving your wife requires your attention. You know, that incredible attention that you give to the latest sporting event or the remote control on your T.V. or what is happening on your computer screen. This same attention is what you need to apply to loving your wife. Study her. Accumulate some stats on her. Watch what brings her joy. Listen to what she asks for and then do it. Know her love language-you may have to ask her what says love to her. Guess what? Loving someone requires work, effort, time, and energy. Love is something you cultivate, grow, and strengthen. If you are lazy at it or take it for granted, it will wither and recede just like those biceps that once bulged on your arms! “Go for it” guys treat it like a challenge but a challenge that is lifelong, not something you conquer and forget. And in the meantime, enjoy her delight in you as you pursue excellence in loving her!